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Drive Measurable Results

Implement Agile methodology on a 6-month journey with managed pace and incremental changes.

20+ Years of Experience For Your Leverage

Change is tough! Especially when you need to deliver visible results in a short timeframe. With over 20 years of leading challenging Agile transformation at multinational and domestic level, our pragmatic approach with Dr. Jeff Sutherland’s True Scrum is the ally you can count on.

Together, We Deliver Business Outcomes


Need improvement in product quality and speed in delivery. Insufficient collaboration between inter-department. Lack of usage and integration of the tools in developer.

Key Results

  • 84.6% decreased in delivery lead time (169 -> 26 days)
  • 81.6% decreased in bugs (71.1->13.07/1000FP)
  • Substantially improved CX in BAU business


Insufficient collaboration, waterfall methodology, tried Scrum but not working.

Key Results

  • Support 100 million per month business with creative solution beyond call of duty
  • Faster customer response time



Decided to make a holistic transformation from every aspect of the group’s work by choosing the right Scrum@Scale framework that fit to scale across IT and its business.

Key Results

  • Boosted enterprise output by 165%
  • Reduced time-to-market by 63%
  • Reduced labour cost by 20%



The conventional wisdom of many Agilists is that Scaled Agile and Scaled Scrum are incompatible.

Key Results

  • Reduced average feature cycle time from 83.7 days to 11.6 days
  • Increased feature delivery by 721%



Till now, Bank of China remains one of the most successful Agile transformation cases in the financial industry in China

– Mr. Yu, Head Agile Coach, Transformation Lead,
Bank of China

“We benefited substantially from our multi-year Agile Transformation relationship with the team led by Mr. Ethan Soo. We were tremendously successful with our Agile awareness generation and implementation because of the clear guidance and implementation leadership.

I still remember 4 years ago, when I first joined Mr. Ethan’s class, there was a game demonstration to illustrate good and bad Daily Scrums. Just this alone changed the way I managed my teams. Mr. Ethan’s coaching helped us to establish the correct Agile foundation in our bank and connected senior management with the Agile system to deliver maximum impact.

Mr. Ethan’s team is a valuable partner one shouldn’t miss.”

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FREE Ebook

True Scrum + Scrum@Scale The world Fastest Growing Business Agility Framework

By the State of Agility Survey,, 2023

Dr. Jeff Sutherland’s signature year of 1983 – 1993, where he invented Scrum@Scale while turning around a business unit at a bank. He achieved the best record revenue and profit within 6 months. Then, he improved the hyper-productive team model and created the first Scrum team in the world.

Dr. Sutherland published his knowledge of Scrum in 1995 with the help of Ken Schwaber. He published the Scrum@Scale knowledge in 2015 to provide a wholistic solution to Agile Transformation.



With Lean, your team can work on things that matter and produce high-quality products that customers love, in less time.



Delivering Business outcome rapidly while being hyper-productive is the key to true Agile transformation.



Achieve linear scalability without losing productivity per team and introducing extra overheads and wastes into the system.

Result Driven, Incremental Process

Our transformation process will guide your leadership and teams to unleash your organization’s true potential.

By amplifying the Scrum values commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect that already exist within your company, we will help you to establish new cultural norms which inspire your teams and drive success.

We leverage Scrum@Scale to guide your organization through its transformation.

Deliver Visible Result in 6 Months

Ex-students implemented the Agile Scrum they learned.
They documented and shared their success at Agile Tour Kuala Lumpur, 2023

Azmel Rasheed
General Manager,
Operation Excellence& Guest Experience
Malaysia Airport, Malaysia

Sanoop Ambalaparambil
Agile Coach
John Deere, India

Kris Limpavuttivaranon
Vice President,
Head of HR Business Partner
Kasikornbank, Thailand

Listen to their pain and gains, amazing stories and wonderful journey.

Join the True Practioners

Work with us,

Like others from 600+ different companies.
From Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong.
And many other organizations across the world.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Agile methodology and Scrum are related concepts within the realm of software development and project management. Agile is a broader set of values and principles emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, customer focus, and iterative delivery. It encourages responding to change, continuous learning, and delivering value to customers in a timely manner. On the other hand, Scrum is a specific framework within the Agile methodology that provides a structured approach to managing and delivering work. It defines roles such as Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team, and prescribes ceremonies like sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint review, and retrospective meetings.

In essence, Agile provides the guiding principles and mindset for approaching work, while Scrum offers a concrete framework and set of practices to implement those principles in a structured manner. Organizations often adopt Agile as their overarching philosophy and then choose specific frameworks like Scrum to help them implement Agile practices effectively in their projects and teams.

An agile organization is characterized by its ability to adapt and respond quickly to environmental changes while continuously delivering value to its customers. It typically embodies a collaborative and customer-centric approach to work. It is structured around cross-functional teams empowered to make decisions and deliver value autonomously.

Here are the key differences between Agile project management and traditional project management:

Flexibility vs. Predictability
Agile is flexible and adapts to changes quickly, while traditional project management focuses on sticking to a predefined plan to ensure predictability.

Iterative and Incremental vs. Waterfall Approach
Agile breaks work into smaller iterations and delivers incremental value, while traditional project management follows a linear, sequential process such as the waterfall model.

Customer Collaboration vs. Contract Negotiation
Agile emphasizes collaboration with customers and stakeholders throughout the project, whereas traditional project management relies more on formal contracts and requirements.

Adaptive Planning vs. Detailed Planning Upfront
Agile uses adaptive planning that evolves based on feedback, while traditional project management involves detailed planning upfront with less flexibility for changes.

Cross-Functional Teams vs. Specialized Roles
Agile uses cross-functional teams with diverse skills working closely together, while traditional project management often involves specialized roles and hierarchies within the team.

Agile product management is an approach to product development and management that aligns with the principles of Agile methodology. The Scrum Product Owner plays a crucial part in the development and management of products. This role is responsible for representing the voice of the customer and ensuring that the product contains features that deliver the highest value to stakeholders and end-users. It focuses on delivering value to customers in a fast-paced, iterative, and customer-centric manner.