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Agile & Scrum 101

The Perfect Starter Course

A fun and interactive way to discover the Agile way of working

For beginners to understand the fundamental concepts of Agile & Scrum.

Agile methods and the Scrum Framework are innovative new methods of working used by leading companies worldwide to create exciting products. This 1-day course provides participants with the knowledge and skills required to apply Agile and Scrum to their work and helps them understand how these methodologies can benefit their organisations. Get introduced to Design Thinking, Lean Startup and use them in your Agile development cycle.

Training Focus

1-Day crash course to learn design thinking, lean startup, Scrum and Agile. Able to start working in Agile & Scrum immediately after class.

Enjoy A Highly-Interactive Learning

This course is designed to encourage a hands-on learning approach. Students work in teams to identify problems in a real case study and work together to solve them.

At The End Of This Course,
You Will Be Able to

  • Familiar with the Agile work culture and the Scrum framework. 
  • Work as a team to deliver products on time through in-class activities that simulate a Sprint cycle. 
  • Improve team collaboration to get work done faster and better. 
  • Eliminate tasks and activities that do not generate real value for the organization. 
  • Recognise the common misunderstandings in Scrum and learn to run Scrum well.

Not Sure If You'll Benefit From This Course?
Here Is What They Said...

Ready to unlock your team's full potential with Agile & Scrum methodologies?

Reach out to us today to learn more about our tailored corporate training solutions and start on the journey towards unparalleled success in your projects!

Course Outline

Morning Session

Design Thinking

Explore The Customers’ Problems

Lean Startup

Build The Right Product

Agile Mindset

Build The Product Right

Afternoon Session

Scrum Framework


Who Should Attend

  • Professionals who want to enhance their understanding of what Agile and Scrum are.
  • Professionals who know want to comprehend how Agile and Scrum can improve work and improve a company.
  • Professionals who only heard of Agile and Scrum by their names, without a concrete idea about the benefits of use and how to apply them in a work environment.
  • Professionals who want to start working in or with a Scrum team.
  • Project managers who are looking for a new way to manage a project so that they can deliver on time and within budget.

Meet Our Clients

From Diverse Background

True Scrum

is Good Scrum

True Scrum is the original Scrum invented by Dr. Jeff Sutherland in 1993 to deliver real business value. Three essentials in Scrum that have contributed to the effectiveness of the entire framework.



With Lean, your team can work on things that matter and produce high-quality products that customers love in less time.



Research shows that happier people are more productive. True Scrum uses hyper-productive patterns to build genuinely effective Scrum teams.


Linear scalability

Achieve linear scalability without losing productivity per team and introducing extra overheads and wastes into the system.

Grab the FREE eBook Now!

The essential knowledge to improve your Scrum effectiveness was published for the first time ever.

LEARN True Scrum
AS It Was Invented

NOT How It Was Commercialized

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working product* over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Scrum framework structure is to combine Design Thinking, Lean Start-up and Agile delivery (Scrum) to engage the customer and improve the product based on feedback.

  • Cross-functional: the Scrum Team possess all the skills needed to do the work
  • Self-managing: they decide how much work they can do in a Sprint and how they will do it
  • Collaborative: they work together to achieve a Sprint Goal
  • Small: typically, fewer than 10 people including the Scrum Master and Product Owner

Design Thinking be integrated into the Agile development process which is a human-centered approach to problem solving. It focuses on understanding the user and their needs. The process is iterative and non-linear, meaning that teams can revisit stages throughout the process.

Below is the following stages of design thinking:

  • Empathize: In this stage, designers learn about the users by conducting user research such as interviews and usability testing.
  • Define: Once they have a better understanding of the users needs, they use the information to define the problem statement.
  • Ideate: In this stage, the team comes up with creative solutions to the problem statement.
  • Prototype: They then create a basic model or prototype of their solution to test with users.
  • Test: The team gets feedback from users on the prototype and use this feedback to improve their design.

The key differences between Agile and traditional project management methodologies include:

Flexibility vs. Predictability:
Agile: Emphasizes flexibility and adaptability to changes throughout the project lifecycle.
Traditional: Focuses on thorough upfront planning and predictability, with a linear, sequential approach.

Agile: Involves iterative cycles, delivering small increments of work frequently.
Traditional: Aims for a single final delivery after all project phases are complete.

Customer Involvement:
Agile: Continuous customer feedback and collaboration are integral.
Traditional: Customer involvement is typically limited to the initial requirements phase and final delivery.

Project Structure:
Agile: Continuous customer feedback and collaboration are integral.
Traditional: Customer involvement is typically limited to the initial requirements phase and final delivery.

Team Collaboration:
Agile: Encourages close collaboration among cross-functional teams with shared responsibilities.
Traditional: Operates with a hierarchical structure and clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

Change Management:
Agile: Welcomes and easily incorporates changes even late in the project.
Traditional: Manages changes through formal change control processes, which can be cumbersome.

Agile: Focuses on essential documentation that adds value, often minimal.
Traditional: Requires extensive documentation throughout the project lifecycle.

Risk Management:
Agile: Manages risk through frequent reassessment and adaptation, addressing issues quickly.
Traditional: Identifies and mitigates risks early through detailed planning and analysis.

Success Measurement:
Agile: Measures success based on the value delivered to the customer and the quality of the product.
Traditional: Measures success based on adherence to the initial scope, schedule, and budget.

Focus on Learning
Both methodologies emphasize learning and iterating based on customer feedback.

The Lean Startup cycle (Build-Measure-Learn) is similar to the Agile cycle of sprint, plan, develop, test, review.

Agile Development
Lean Startup incorporates Agile development practices to deliver products in iterations and gather customer feedback quickly.

Reduced Risk
Both approaches aim to reduce development risk through iteration and testing.

Overall, Agile provides a framework for iterative development and project management, while Lean Startup focuses on validating assumptions about the product through a Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. They work well together to develop products that meet customer needs.

Focus on Learning
Both methodologies emphasize learning and iterating based on customer feedback.

The Lean Startup cycle (Build-Measure-Learn) is similar to the Agile cycle of sprint, plan, develop, test, review.

Agile Development
Lean Startup incorporates Agile development practices to deliver products in iterations and gather customer feedback quickly.

Reduced Risk
Both approaches aim to reduce development risk through iteration and testing.

Overall, Agile provides a framework for iterative development and project management, while Lean Startup focuses on validating assumptions about the product through a Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. They work well together to develop products that meet customer needs.

  • Increasing focus and transparency.
  • Enabling empiricism and iterative development.
  • Encouraging self-organizing teams.
  • Reducing complexity.
  • Improving communication and collaboration.

Resistance to Change
Teams accustomed to traditional methodologies may resist adopting Agile practices. Overcoming this requires clear communication of benefits and gradual integration of Agile principles.

Lack of Experience
Teams may lack the necessary skills and experience with Agile and Scrum. Providing comprehensive training and continuous learning opportunities can address this issue.

Poor Collaboration
Effective Agile implementation depends on strong team collaboration. Facilitating open communication channels and fostering a collaborative culture is essential.

Incomplete Backlog Management
Inadequate backlog grooming can lead to scope creep and prioritization issues. Regular refinement sessions with the product owner can help maintain a well-organized backlog.

Misunderstanding Roles
Misunderstanding of Scrum roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team) can impede progress. Clear role definitions and responsibilities should be emphasized through training and coaching.

Tools and techniques used are a set of 3 roles, 5 events, and 3 artifacts to track progress and ensure project success. These are:

3 Roles

  • Product Owner: Represents the voice of the customer and ensures the product backlog reflects their needs.
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the Scrum process and ensures the team is following the rules.
  • Development Team: A group of self-organizing professionals who do the work of building the product.

5 Events

  • Sprint Planning: The team collaborates to plan the work for the next sprint (typically 1-4 weeks).
  • Daily Scrum: A brief daily meeting for the development team to discuss progress and identify any roadblocks.
  • Sprint Review: The development team showcases the work completed in the sprint and gathers feedback from stakeholders.
  • Sprint Retrospective: The team reflects on the previous sprint to identify areas for improvement.
  • Product Backlog Refinement: An ongoing process to review and refine the product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features for the product.

3 Artifacts

  • Product Backlog: A prioritized list of features that represent the work to be done on the product.
  • Sprint Backlog: A subset of the product backlog selected for a particular sprint.
  • Product Increment: The sum of all the work completed in all the sprints.

These elements work together to provide transparency and foster collaboration within Scrum teams, which helps ensure project success and all this can learn in our scrum and agile course.

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